It's so weird how time passes by. Sometimes it seems to be whizzing by so fast, but sometimes it feels so long and tiresome. Time is so mysterious that we need something in order to keep track of it. A calender, a clock. I never really thought about the concept of time, or my past until this year, as I matured.
My friend's birthdays, choir concerts and the upcoming graduation are things that remind me of how last year was like. How I had spent that last event, and what had happened, it all came back to me. And there was this feeling in the pit of my heart that made me want to laugh, cry and cherish this loving memory.
Its so weird how memories stay in our heart. Even though the experience may have been a bad one when one went through it, after it passes, it stays as a memory and as a good one too. Because it gives the feeling, i guess, of 'I too, have survived through hardship' and this hardship has probably changed us in many ways to who we are today.
This is my last blog post, and my last year at KIS. Though KIS hasn't always been treats and goods to me, when I think of leaving, there is a pang of strain in my heart, because, whether the experiences may have been painful and tiring, it has created me, and it has created the memories that I will never forget, and will cherish to the last of my life. There will be a time when I visit KIS during the summer breaks and remember my schooldays as a youngster, and then there will be the time I will visit KIS as an adult, where I will be able to gaze at the tall buildings with a smile, and then perhaps, I will visit KIS one day, as an old grandma, and remember, the days that lasted.
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